Early cancellation navigation

There are few questions asked more frequently than, ‘My tenant has cancelled early, what notice period should be given? What is the tenant liable for? Can the landlord cancel early?’

The right questions asked at the right time, lead to correct legal processes being followed. We see that every day!

So, to help you navigate your early cancellations, we created an Early Cancellation Chart for your office:

When is early cancellation too early?

The most important thing to consider first is whether Section 14 of the Consumer Protection Act applies to your lease agreement. The first step to determine this is to look at your lease period – is it running on a month-to-month basis, or does it have a fixed period?

Should the lease have a fixed term, the next factor you need to confirm is the legal identity of the parties to the lease agreement …

Click here to read the TPN Legal Overview on Early Cancellation.


TPN Vacancy Survey Report Q1 2024

Residential rental vacancies in South Africa have reached historic lows, with the national vacancy rate decreasing to 4.42% in the first quarter of 2024, the lowest level since 2016. This trend is driven by high interest rates making homeownership un…

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