Share and manage documents on any device from anywhere

Ensure your team is always using the most up-to-date documents

Keep consistent branding across your all of your communications

eSignPlus - Take the stress out of your day by easing your document management process

Take the stress out of your day by easing your document management process

Managing documents is a key part of managing your business and can be time consuming and complicated.  Not only must you ensure the documents are accurate and correctly branded but you have to send them in a timely manner, keep them secure and access them when needed.

eSignPlus was created for the rental property sector to transact securely and remotely with the focus to specifically meet the unique needs of LeasePack subscribers. It can evolve your business and enables you to securely sign any number of documents digitally, in real time and with immediate document status updates.

Transform the way you manage your documents on one platform with no hidden costs

Enhance your customer experience

Upgrade your brand to an enhanced digital experience while making life easier for everyone you transact with. White label all communications to ensure customers feel secure knowing who they are signing a contract with.

Enable fast transactions and real-time communications

Speed up the process and complete applications and agreements faster by sending document templates to multiple recipients for signing at one time. Send automatic notifications to signatories who can sign immediately on any device.

Upgrade your document storage and security

Move to a digital document storage solution that is totally unlimited and automatically secures the data that is processed in your business. Increase security with signatures that are traceable through two-factor authentication.

How it works



Use standard TPN Document Packs to create or edit a new document, template, or form.

Apply your own branding

Apply your own branding

Rebrand all your documents using a centralised setting on the eSignPlus platform.



Immediately access your documents to use on the eSign platform.

Key benefits

Create, edit, and maintain a central repository of documents for your franchises.
Distribute your documents throughout your organisation and onto eSign instantly, replacing all previous versions of a document automatically.
Save time with automatic notifications sent to your signatories.
Send any number of documents to be signed with no monthly limits or unpredictable charges per signature.
Send document templates to multiple recipients for signing at one time.
Create an URL link to allow applications to be completed directly from your property listings.
Stay updated with real-time status alerts on your documents.
Receive online applications pushed directly to you and store all signed documents in one safe place.
Get unlimited, cloud-based filing space to store all your documents.