Easily screen teachers and staff at schools while complying with strict regulations

Track and action all required staff screening requirements

Receive Criminal Check results quickly and download SACE reports

Easily access records and receive expert legal advice

Ensure compliance and manage staff screening effectively from one secure dashboard

In terms of Section 45 of The Criminal Law Amendment Act employers must screen employees against the National Register for Sex Offenders. This includes all staff in a position to work with, supervise, care for, or gain access to a child or disabled person.
Section 126 of The Children’s Act also requires that employers offering services which allow access to children must screen an applicant’s identity against the National Child Protection Register before employing them.

Meet all compulsory screening requirements in one go
The TPN Multi-Compliance Check for schools offers background checks, employment verification, and reference validations

SACE Criminal Check

SAPS criminal record check performed using fingerprint biometrics.

Identity Document Verification with Photo

Verify name, marital status, and photo in real-time directly through Home Affairs.

Individual Employment Verification Check

Access a centralised database of the applicant’s employment history, including name of organisation, position held, period of employment, HR contact details and reason for leaving.

PURQ Qualification Verification

Validate higher education qualifications through the PURQ central database.

Your documentation is also delivered to these government departments for clearance certificates:

The Registrar of the National Register for Sex Offenders and The Department of Social Development for the National Child Protection Register

How It Works


Teacher Screening Portal


Submit your employment data to TPN Credit Bureau. We are a registered credit bureau that operates according to the regulations of the National Credit Act and is fully POPI compliant ensuring you are protected by law.

The transfer of your data is secure and we offer several easy and secure methods to save you time. We integrate with various payroll software providers.

By submitting your data, you will be able to perform the TPN Multi-Compliance Check that covers all legal requirements.

If you require more information, please contact our professional data team at data@tpn.co.za.

Schedule Time

Teacher Screening Portal

Schedule Time

To schedule the taking of fingerprints, you can contact our school specialist. This service is available both onsite and at our offices.

If you choose onsite visit, one of our commissioners of oath will assist you with all the necessary documents that need to be submitted to the relevant government departments.

  • The Registrar of the National Register for Sex Offenders 
  • The Department of Social Development for the National Child Protection Register

Contact our School specialist: 

+27 (0)861 876 000

Onsite Visit

Teacher Screening Portal

Onsite Visit

Our trained staff will visit your school on the scheduled days. Staff will provide their identity documents for certification and review. Identity document verification with a photo is done. Fingerprint biometrics are done and submitted to check against the SAPS criminal records.

Results are returned within 48 hours and a SACE certificate is issued.

This is all linked seamlessly into the Teacher Screening Portal. This will provide you with a complete overview of all those that has been screened.

Superior Resubmission Functionality

Teacher Screening Portal

Superior Resubmission Functionality

It is mandatory for educational institutions to perform a thorough screening of their teachers and staff on a regular basis. In order to comply with best practices, it is recommended that these screenings be conducted for all current and new staff members at least once every two years.

The Teacher Screening Portal now offers a resubmission functionality for all background checks, utilising our Facial Identity Biometrics technology. With this cutting-edge technology, all checks can be easily and quickly conducted using a smartphone or desktop camera. This feature ensures a hassle-free and efficient process for both the staff and the institution.

NOTE: Resubmission is only available after the initial fingerprint step has been concluded. 

Compliance Confirmation

Teacher Screening Portal

Compliance Confirmation

Access all screening reports from the TPN Teacher Screen Dashboard quickly and easily to provide evidence of compliance. 

You can trust TPN Credit Bureau to safeguard your school’s reputation, and be confident that the processes are designed to meet all regulatory requirements specified by various legislative Acts meant to protect children.

TPN Multi-Compliance Check

If you are a school administrator, you know how important it is to comply with teacher and staff screening requirements. TPN Multi-Compliance Check can help you simplify your compliance management and free up your valuable resources. 

With the Teacher Screening Portal, you can easily resubmit criminal checks and keep track of your staff’s screening status. TPN’s innovative system also eliminates the need to redo fingerprints by allowing effortless resubmission of biometric fingerprints. 

Our legal and product experts share important information regarding the Teacher Screening Portal.

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Complete the form and our sector specialists will contact you. Let’s provide you with better data to accelerate your growth and compliance.

Teacher Screening Portal

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By clicking submit, you agree to our terms and conditions and consent to being contacted by TPN from MRI Software about our products or services. You can opt-out at any time. Please see our privacy policy for more information about how MRI Software handles your personal information.